Installing the ground source heat pump system

27 01 2014

Installing the ground source heat pump system

It is not just the endless rain that Manchester has suffered over the last few weeks that has left the ISG site rather wet and muddy – drilling bore holes for the Gallery’s new ground source heat pump system dredges up vast quantities of wet, muddy, slurry from deep underground. Installing such a system requires space, something that we benefit from being situated as we are in Whitworth Park.

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The Design Team have chosen to install a vertical system that buries pipework within a series of boreholes across a borehole field in the new Art Garden, indicated in the diagram by the area coloured pink. These boreholes are around 150m deep, and each contain several pipes.

The pipes don’t look too exciting as they stand, but ultimately water and anti-freeze passing through the closed loop system of pipes will absorb the naturally occurring heat stored in the ground. This heat then passes via the pump, increasing the temperature and feeding radiators and underfloor heating inside the Gallery. Not only will the Gallery have good ambient heating, but it is all part of the Design Team’s sustainable strategy, making excellent use of our adjacent park and adding to our green credentials.





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27 01 2014

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